Super Fast Gaming PC Intel Core i5 Manufacturer’s description:
- Gaming Case: Brand new lighting case as shown in photos
- Processor: Intel Core i5
- Motherboard: Will have a minimum of 2 x DDR3 memory slots refurbished 1-year warranty
- RAM (Memory): 16GB RAM
- Hard Drive: 2TB HDD
- 128GB SSD
- Graphic Card: Nvidia GeForce GT710 2GB
- Wireless Connection: WiFi Dongle
- Operating System: Windows 10 Pro Installed
- Display: Refurbished 19” Monitor
- Ports: Min 4 x USB 2.0, 3 x audio, VGA, DVI, DisplayPort, HDMI
- Accessories: Lighting Gaming Keyboard, Gaming Mouse, SPEAKERS
- Sound: Integrated sound with headphones and mic sockets at the front and the rear. Works with any standard headphones or speakers.
- Power Supply: 500-700 Watt
- Power Leads: All PC Leads
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